Wednesday, September 9, 2020

Dear Dr. Phil,

Maybe it’s my Covid lifestyle, or maybe it’s because I’m a retired child psychiatrist in need of a daily vicarious mental health care fix . . . whatever it is, I’ve been watching a lot of your show lately.

Actually, I’ve watched you on and off for a long time.  I often quoted (or misquoted) you to parents, telling them that it is you who says, “It is a parent’s responsibility to raise adults.”  Over the years, I found this line to be a good catalyst for many fruitful discussions.

I’ve always admired and studied your clear and direct style of communication with guests on your show.

I’ve always envied your support team and the resources available for you to pass on to your guests.

I’ve recently noticed some things you say with regularity.  I often hear you say to your guests that, “Perception is reality.”  All I need to do is flip channels back and forth between FOX News and CNN to know the truth of that statement.  In these troubled times, it is apparent that this country is divided, red and blue, living with very different perceptions and very different realities.

There is another line you frequently tell guests.  In fact, I heard you say it just today.  “There are no versions of the truth.”  I had to stop and think about it.  Truth is truth. If what you say is so, there must be a significant difference between ‘reality’ and ‘truth’.  I know that inaccurate perceptions can create false realities.  I know that the lies told by some can create false realities in others.  It may not be the ‘truth’, it may be a false reality, but to the individual it is still their ‘reality’.

Dr. Phil, help me. You are trained in forensic psychology.  You are trained to notice subtle and not so subtle cues from those that seek to deceive.  Help me know in this contentious political climate how to sort out accurate perceptions from misperceptions.  Help me to detect the truthtellers from the liars.

Dr. Phil, I hope you will use your influential platform to help the country sort out accurate from inaccurate perceptions, truth from lies. Please share your psychological and forensic perspective in this time of national crisis. There are few who can reach and teach as many as you. 

It is my perception, or misperception, that democracy’s future is at stake.




Gary H. Boxer, M.D.

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